n't even have to turn to him, only such car parts are available for purchase in a car dealership. However, one should take into account that this solution can be expensive. In some cases it can also be impossible or very difficult to implement. Parts for cars from the USA may not be available in Poland at all. Then you have to import them from abroad, and this means a very high bill and such repair may not be profitable. That's why American cars are expensive to maintain. Another option is that you can use spare parts that are not from the original manufacturer, but are replacements. They will usually be cheaper and more powerful than the original ones.
The first is road transport
The answer to the question in the title of the article can be given immediately. Only by bringing them from the source itself, i.e. from the United States. Why? Because in Poland it is rare to find "American". Especially the classic ones from the old days. They are primarily owned by collectors who treat these American cars as perfect, beautiful, pimped toys. Therefore, on websites dealing with the direct sale of car parts, it's hard to find ones that will fit cars from overseas. So how do you buy them? However, there are some online platforms through which you can order. When we do this, the package will come to us in two ways. The first is transport by sea and the second by air. It is known that the number one form is much cheaper, but we will have to wait much longer (from 4 to 8 weeks) for original US car parts. On the other hand, by plane they will arrive much faster (14 days), but let's keep in mind that they will be much more expensive.
Getting items for cars from overseas
When choosing a car, we are guided by many factors. One of them is undoubtedly the appearance of the car.
For decades, American cars have been hugely impressive. However, this is not a common choice among Polish drivers. The problems that influence this choice include high combustion, which is a problem especially in older models. Another deterrent to buyers is the heavy availability of parts for cars from the USA. In Poland, it is much easier to get parts for German, Italian or French cars.
However, getting elements for cars from overseas is not impossible. Today, there are already many services specializing in the repair of cars of this origin. They regularly import parts from this market, which, although they often happen to be relatively expensive, can also be absolutely affordable for the Polish consumer.
Therefore, it is not worth getting discouraged, and when choosing a new car, consider this possibility.
We are used to car parts
American cars are not very popular in our country. Many say they are large, impractical, fuel-eaters, and their maintenance and operation costs are very high. However, there are people who love these powerful engines, their sound, value the convenience of traveling, and the operating costs go to the background. We are used to buying car parts on the spot, for popular models is no problem. The problem is when it comes to a rare car, even "exotic" - salesmen spread their hands. For many people, this will be an important argument, which almost almost always - excludes a little-seen brand from the group of sought after, interesting for them.
Is the lack of access to spare parts an insurmountable problem? In no case! Parts for cars from the USA import specialized stores that deal only with such brands. They have their regular group of customers who buy good quality parts from abroad.